Info June 6, 2023 Hello world! Well the site has been down due to the old hosting company being just too… majorjoker Love16
Info June 6, 2023 SurfShark VPN Sign up now and get 30 days free! I have used a number of diffrent… majorjoker Love16
Work June 6, 2023 I’m a SysADMIN Why I Enjoy Being a SysAdmin I've been a SysAdmin for over 20 years with… majorjoker Love19
Hack June 6, 2023 Hashcat What is hashcat? Hashcat is a free and open-source password cracking tool. It can be… majorjoker Love17
Project June 6, 2023 Wardriving Rig So, I have been wardriving since the early 90's and started out with a Dell… majorjoker 0 Love20